My relationship with my skin has always been conflicted. Until very recently, my body never truly felt like home, so my skin presented whatever camouflage I was wearing during that period of my life. Take my school years, for example, which were spent at an all-girls school where importance was placed on appearance. I have a scar on my chin — a souvenir from face-planting a gutter in the playground when I was six – and as expected, I received nasty comments from other students. At the time, caking my face in heavy make up felt like the best solution, but being mixed-race in 2012 meant that locating the right shade of foundation was a relentless task, leading me to settle for a face five-times lighter than my body.
I’ve seen success with salicylic acid but I’ve also found things that
Although I’ve experienced a lot of changes to my skin (hi spots!) in the months since starting my transition, the advice I’ve received from my TikTok community has thankfully kept disruption to a minimum. What’s more, I’ve found it’s been enjoyable to observe these changes, and I’ve learnt to embrace them.
Sadly, my dad passed away a few months before I started my Hormone Replacement Therapy journey, so I never got to experience that special father-son ritual of him sharing tips that he’d learnt in his years – although, remembering the shaving rashes and cuts he used to walk around with, I might have had a lucky escape.
In the absence of my dad, I do, however, have an amazing circle of male friends around me to give advice — the best of which has been that: “becoming good at shaving is mastering how to remove as much irritation from the process as possible.”
In the spirit of sharing the same good advice my friends have shared with me, here are some of the tips that have helped me in the last few months:
Wet your skin with hot water first to soften it – this is why many recommend shaving after a showerPrior to shaving, leave the razor in the sink under running hot water – this cleans the razor and further softens the contact with your skin Cleanse or exfoliate before shaving to remove excess oil and dead skin Do not shave against the grain! This may sound obvious to any cisgender men, but for those of us who grew up only concerned about body hair, the grain is not something we’ve ever really worried about. In my very recent boyhood, I’ve learnt that shaving against the grain increases the chance of ingrown hairs which, on legs is a very minor detail, but on your face can cause an acne-like appearance Do not skip post-shave moisturising
Four months ago, I underwent ‘top surgery’, during which I had my breast tissue removed. The type of procedure I had is a bilateral mastectomy with a free nipple graft — this involved removing the breast tissue through two incisions in my chest, then removing the nipples and re-shaping them before they were re-attached to my chest.
Since having the procedure, I’ve been left with two large scars, which are now staple focusses of my everyday self care routine. Following my surgeon’s instructions, I apply a silicone gel twice daily, thoroughly massaging the scars (in small circles, followed by lateral pinching movements) to break down the scar tissue. I also apply silicone tape strips, to keep the scars hydrated and covered during my day-to-day activities. Gradually, I’ve found that the harshness of the scars is starting to fade.
I’m often asked if the scars bother me or if I am worried about stretching them in the gym. Honestly? Not at all. Just two weeks ago, I got to experience being on a beach topless for the first time since I was seven years old, and the joy that brought me was unparalleled. I finally feel in sync with the person in the mirror and the road from an insecure teenager hiding beneath layers of make up to where I stand now has been long, but at last, my skin truly feels like an extension of my identity.
Perhaps surprisingly, the most rewarding part of transitioning has been finding excitement in the mundane. Shaving, playing football shirtless, walking around changing rooms with a towel around my waist – these simple acts have brought me profound happiness and I've come to truly understand what it means to ‘heal my inner child’.
To any transgender individuals embarking on their own transition, be patient. I know, it’s easier said than done. It’s a long process. It’s sometimes solitary and confusing. At times you’ll want to skip a few chapters, but you’ll get to where you want to be, and I wish you the best of luck in finding comfort in your skin.