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Good Health And Beauty Habits To Kick-Start This Lent

model with her dark hair tied up in a pony tail smiling off to the side against a baby blue background

Shrove Tuesday traditionally marks the start of lent — a period of fasting in the lead up to Easter’s festivities and, while pancake day has shrugged off a lot of its religious significance, for many it marks an excuse to let go of ‘bad’ habits. We at Cult Beauty, however, aren’t quitters; which is why we are putting a positive spin on what might seem, to many, an arbitrary day. Lent’s 40-day duration is an ample opportunity to form a great new habit — from journalling daily to carving out time for a walk on your lunchbreak — we’ve got some suggestions of ways to upgrade the next month-and-a-bit and potentially, trigger a shift in your mood (and your mindset). 

Here are some Starters for Ten... 


Keen to revisit your {skin care} regime? Why not give Skin Cycling a spin? With scope for 10 cycles, you should see a tangible difference in skin’s tone and texture by Easter — and who doesn’t want to look fresh-faced and dewy for Spring (answer: no one)? Based on the premise of two ‘active’ days, followed by two ‘rest and repair’ days, we’ve talked all about it in depth over {here} but the premise is pretty straightforward: use {acid}on night one, {retinol} on night two, then nourish your skin over nights three and four (look for ceramides, oils and replenishing masks). Et voilà!  


Sometimes the chaos of life can prevent us from seeing the good for the trees — it’s easy to focus on stresses and deadlines, instead of the small but significant ways that our lives are enriched every day. The ultimate ‘safe space’, journalling offers the scope to offload and articulate how you are feeling (you might even start to see patterns emerging), while also endorsing a positive mindset — especially if you subscribe to the ‘gratitude’ model. It might feel a bit ‘airy fairy’ for many but forcing yourself to appreciate things, from a hug to a cloud that resembles a dachshund, can help you to cope with the overwhelm. Even the act of writing is a meditative exercise — encouraging you to take stock and find time for some (phone free) stillness each day.  


Whether you live in the sticks or the midst of the city, getting outdoors everyday helps to nourish your soul and we all know that moving around never hurt anybody so, in the interests of increasing your activity and sparking creativity, try to find time for a brisk walkabout — whether during your lunchbreak or while you’re on call — to help get both the blood and ideas flowing. Sometimes a change is as good as a rest so whenever you're stuck in a rut or you need a solution, taking yourself for a stroll could unlock the ‘Eureka!’ you need. 


Whether it’s setting the table for breakfast or planning the ultimate Friday night feast, rituals help us to trigger an energy shift and be present — savouring flavours while reconnecting with ourselves, our friends and families. The recipe book you were given for Christmas? Challenge yourself to cook something each week or, make lunch an ‘event’ with your best plates and fanciest glassware. Too often we 'bring out the best’ for a special occasion, but why not take the opportunity to redefine what ‘special’ means? It doesn’t need to be a birthday — why not nominate Wednesday morning to make yourself pancakes and use your new napkins? It’s all about carving out memorable moments — something too easily sacrificed.  


And we don’t just mean your face. Cold weather takes its toll and if you’re trying to forget about your scaly limbs, don’t — make time to show them the love they deserve with replenishing{body creams}, {serums}and nourishing {hand creams}. With so many heavenly scented creations to tempt you, splurge on a bottle of something spa-worthy (we’re smitten with ESPA’s {Positivity Bath & Body Oil}), then whack on a podcast and take time massaging the oil into overlooked legs, arms and décolleté. And keep a fancy hand cream on your desk and by your bed — a great ‘skinsurance’ policy, hydrating your hands won’t be something you live to regret (reserve that for less humdrum pursuits). 

What are you doing for lent? We’d love to learn more about habits you’re thinking of starting, as well as whether lent’s a day you celebrate... At Cult Beauty, we’re all about finding opportunities to make the winter days a little brighter, so share your suggestions and let us know whether you’re already doing (or thinking of starting) our recommendations. 

Verity Douglas
Verity Douglas Writer and expert

Cult Beauty’s Content Editor and a Cult Beauty OG, Verity loves nothing more than the marriage of language and lip balm. A quintessential Libran, she’s a self-professed magpie for luxury ‘must-haves' and always pursuing the new and the niche — from the boujee-est skin care to cutting-edge tech. Balancing an urge to stop the clock with her desire to embrace the ageing process (and set a positive example for her daughter), Verity's a retinol obsessive and will gladly share her thoughts about the time-defying gadgets, masks and treatments worth the splurge...

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