Tried and tested Tried and testedMARCH FAVOURITES 01/04/2015 By Verity Douglas Tried and testedSTUDIO 10 ANTI-AGEING MAKE UP 09/03/2015 By Verity Douglas Tried and testedINTRODUCING OXYGENETIX – NEXT-LEVEL BREATHABLE TREATMENT FOUNDATIONS 23/02/2015 By Verity Douglas Tried and testedMEET THE TEAM: DIMITRA 19/02/2015 By Verity Douglas Beauty NewsIF YOU HAVE SKIN, YOU NEED THIS… 13/02/2015 By Verity Douglas Beauty NewsTHE MIND-BLOWING BENEFITS OF CULT 51 10/02/2015 By Verity Douglas Tried and testedDIPBROW POMADE: BEFORE & AFTER 13/01/2015 By Verity Douglas Tried and testedDECEMBER FAVOURITES 30/12/2014 By Verity Douglas Tried and testedNOVEMBER FAVOURITES 02/12/2014 By Verity Douglas Tried and testedSEPTEMBER FAVOURITES 01/10/2014 By Verity Douglas