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How To: Contour Your Eyebrows

Verity Douglas
Writer and expert9 years ago
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We've called upon the perfect brows (and talents!) of our digital designer Dimi yet again - this time, to show you how to define and outline your eyebrows using {Anastasia Beverly Hills}' {Brow Wiz}, {DipBrow Pomade} and ALL NEW Pro Series {Concealer}.

First, Dimi used {DipBrow Pomade} in shade 'Ebony', to add depth to the centre of her eyebrows - extending the pigment out towards the tail end using {Large Synthetic Duo Brow Brush #12}.

She then used the ultra-fine tipped {Brow Wiz} in 'Dark Brown' - one shade lighter than 'Ebony' - to define the shape and add dimension. Using two tones prevents brows looking too flat and unnatural - this is the 'contouring' bit. Dimi outlined the top and bottom of each eyebrow using soft, feathery strokes - then blended into the deeper shade from the inside edges using fine, hair-like strokes to achieve a slight 'ombre' effect.

With Anastasia's {Concealer Brush} and Concealer in shade '0.75' - slightly lighter than her skin tone - she painted a 'mask' around each eyebrow, before blending, blending... and blending again to achieve an airbrushed finish. This really defines the arches for a pristine, photo-ready finish.

Are you too an eyebrow (and {Anastasia Beverly Hills}) obsessive? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below.


Verity Douglas
Writer and expert
View Verity Douglas's profile
Cult Beauty’s Content Editor and a Cult Beauty OG, Verity loves nothing more than the marriage of language and lip balm. A quintessential Libran, she’s a self-professed magpie for luxury ‘must-haves' and always pursuing the new and the niche — from the boujee-est skin care to cutting-edge tech. Balancing an urge to stop the clock with her desire to embrace the ageing process (and set a positive example for her daughter), Verity's a retinol obsessive and will gladly share her thoughts about the time-defying gadgets, masks and treatments worth the splurge...